Digital Boost 3.0

AI & Cybersecurity

TechImpact’s Digital Boost is back! This time to assist New Brunswick businesses enhance their digital capabilities in Artificial Intelligence (AI),  Data, and Cybersecurity by working with New Brunswick IT services firms.  

Working through 2 phases, Digital Boost 3.0 will cover up to 75% of the cost of the assessment (up to $37,500), and up to 75% of costs (up to $20,390) to implement eligible projects. To undertake a project, qualified businesses must apply and work with a Digital Boost 3.0 Solution Provider.

CollabHub is your go-to destination for everything related to Digital Boost 3.0 including more information for businesses and solution providers alike. Visit CollabHub today!

Digital Boost 3.0 for Businesses

Digital Boost 3.0 offers small and medium-sized businesses the chance to harness the power of data, AI, and cybersecurity. 

The program operates in two phases, covering up to 75% of costs for eligible projects. During the Assessment Phase, SMEs can receive up to $37,500 for assessments in data, AI, and cybersecurity. In the Implementation Phase, businesses can obtain up to $20,390 to execute strategies identified in the assessments. 

By working with a qualified technology solution provider, businesses can enhance efficiency and customer trust through tailored AI solutions. Cybersecurity measures ensure regulatory compliance and protection against threats. 


Become a Digital Boost 3.0 Technology Solution Provider

IT services firms from across Atlantic Canada have a unique opportunity to partner with New Brunswick-based businesses through the Digital Boost 3.0 program. This initiative aims to connect IT service providers with companies in need of expertise in data management, AI, and cybersecurity. 

To learn more about Digital Boost 3.0 eligibility and to apply today, visit CollabHub.