Publications & Research Reports: The Atlantic Canada Tech Sector

Prioritizing Innovation in New Brunswick’s Future

TechImpact, along with the McKenna Institute and the New Brunswick Business Council, has signed an open letter addressed to all current political party leaders in New Brunswick, urging their support for the development of a provincial innovation and digital strategy. The letter focuses on four key areas that are essential for fostering New Brunswick’s digital transformation as the province approaches its upcoming election.  

New Brunswick Information Technology Workforce Growth Plan 2021-2026

TechImpact and Jupia Consulting were commissioned to develop a new IT workforce growth strategy for New Brunswick. This strategy builds on the work of the Labour Force Adjustment Committee struck by the Government of New Brunswick and led by TechImpact in the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. One clear theme emerged from this work – a skilled digital workforce is fundamental to economic prosperity. This summary document highlights key findings and provides the key strategies that need to be implemented over the next five years so New Brunswick’s IT sector and the overall economy can achieve its true potential.

Digital Firms in Atlantic Canada

Digital technology firms in Atlantic Canada are making a large and growing contribution to the regional economy, but factors such as labour force availability, financing to scale up and weak digital adoption rates must improve to sustain its progress, according to APEC's new report Digital Technology Firms: Their Importance and Role in Atlantic Canada’s Economy.


Tech Community COVID-19 Impact Survey New Brunswick

This survey was conducted by TechImpact and the Information and Communications Technology Council (ICTC) and looks at the immediate impact, the business outlook and policy support. The businesses assessed cover a variety of sectors and sizes.


Digital Technology Firms: Their Importance and Role in Atlantic Canada’s Economy

The digital economy in Atlantic Canada is evolving rapidly but its size and impact have been largely unknown until now. This is why APEC and TechImpact undertook this research to better understand the importance and role of digital technology firms in Atlantic Canada. Digital technologies are key to emerging technology industries but also permeate established sectors of the Atlantic economy.


Atlantic Provinces Economic Council (APEC) and Tech Impact Digital Technology Firms in Atlantic Canada: Report Fact Sheet

The digital economy in Atlantic Canada is evolving rapidly but its size and impact have been largely unknown until now. APEC undertook this research on behalf of TechImpact to better understand the importance and role of digital technology firms in Atlantic Canada


Atlantic Provinces Economic Council (APEC) and Tech Impact Digital Technology Firms in Atlantic Canada: Report Brief

The digital economy in Atlantic Canada is evolving rapidly but its size and impact have been largely unknown until now. APEC undertook this research on behalf of TechImpact to better understand the importance and role of digital technology firms in Atlantic Canada.


TechImpact - Innovation Position Paper - May 2018

Atlantic Canada’s economic outlook is dire should our current course and speed perpetuate. The Provincial governments within the region are materially indebted, demographics aren’t sustainable with an aging workforce and youth migration, and unemployment rates are high. Atlantic Canada is facing highly complex problems that require methodical, long-term solutions.

Through this position paper, we will demonstrate what we view innovation to be, the significant opportunity at hand, the relevancy of technology associated with innovation, and the critical role of various stakeholders in making our vision of a prosperous Atlantic Canada a reality.

The State of Atlantic Canada's Technology Workforce

This paper will give the reader an understanding of why the tech sector is a major determinant of innovation and economic success in Atlantic Canada. The paper will also provide a snapshot and history of the technology sector in New Brunswick and Atlantic Canada. It is synopsis of three things: where we are, how we got here and where we need to be. The purpose of the note is to gather and present enough high level data to engage stakeholders in a discussion with respect to where we need to be and more importantly – create urgency on how we get there.