Digital Transformation
Success Stories
IT Service Providers
Digital Boost
Digital Boost
Applications for the Digital Boost program are currently closed.
Since partnering with the Atlantic Canadian Opportunities Agency (ACOA) in August 2020, TechImpact has delivered two Digital Boost programs to help New Brunswick companies take on digital transformation and to build awareness of the technology provider talent we have in NB and greater Atlantic Canada.
The first iteration of Digital Boost, DB 1.0, helped 26 New Brunswick companies implement new technology solutions by working with qualified New Brunswick-based IT partners. This work enabled them to be more productive, resilient, efficient, and competitive in a global marketplace when faced with a challenge such as Covid-19. The program covered 75% of the cost of these technology projects, up to a project maximum of $50,000.
The second version of Digital Boost, DB 2.0, helped 80 New Brunswick companies take their first step on their digital transformation journey. The program provided funding and expertise to create a digital strategy and roadmap to remain competitive, resilient, and forward thinking as our world continues to digitize.
DB 2.0 participants were reimbursed 75% of $26,600 for their digital strategy project. If the digital strategy did not cost $26,600, the remaining funding was allowed to go towards their first “quick-win” project implementation.
Success Stories from Digital Boost
Qualified Tecnology Providers
The following Atlantic Canadian IT Services firms have been approved as service providers for the Digital Boost program. If you are an IT Services firm and would like to become a Digital Boost Qualified Technology Service Provider, please review our criteria and apply.
Are you a Technology Provder who wants more exposure to Atlantic Canadian businesses? Apply to have a profile set up on CollabHub.