Digital Boost Program:  Currently Full

Due to the overwhelming interest in the program, we have reached full capacity for accepted applicants.  If you would like to apply, your application will be put on a waiting list in the event that further funds become available.

Thank you for your interest in the Digital Boost Program. If you would like to continue learning about digital transformation and our tech community in Atlantic Canada, sign up for our newsletter here.

How To Get A Digital Boost

The Digital Boost program will assist New Brunswick businesses in embracing new technologies and digital processes to increase their productivity and profitability, improve resiliency, open up new export markets and solve specific problems.

Digital Boost Recipient Criteria

To be eligible for the Digital Boost program, companies must meet the following criteria:

  • Have a head office registered and operating in New Brunswick

  • Be a for-profit company

  • Be a profitable business with a minimum of $2 million in annual revenue

  • Be growth orientated with an increase in its workforce in the past two years

  • Demonstrate strong growth and scaling potential

  • Have a Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) business number

  • Have a desire for digital business culture

  • Be export focused (within the rest of Canada or internationally)

The program is open to all sectors except retail/wholesale, real estate, government services, social services, softwood lumber, and professional services. If you would like to learn more about this program or discuss the application process, feel free to contact us.


Qualifying Projects

The following types of projects will be considered for the Digital Boost program:

  • Infrastructure audits and remote workplace

  • Cloud Migration – transferring databases, IT processes and applications to the cloud

  • E-commerce implementations

  • Business and customer analytics

  • Digital management of inventory, distribution and customer service

  • Digital marketing – content marketing, inbound marketing, tools and platforms

  • Work process modernization and automation

  • Digital strategy and roadmap

  • Cybersecurity and privacy

  • Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence

This is not a complete list – there are a wide number of technology transformation projects that may qualify for Digital Boost funding. If the project you are considering is not listed you might still be eligible. Please contact us to explore your idea further.

Digital Boost will provide 75 percent of the cost of the project with participating companies required to provide the other 25 percent, up to a project maximum of $50,000. Companies participating in the Digital Boost program must work with a Digital Boost Qualified Technology Provider.