Cathy Simpson, TechImpact CEO
We live and work in a beautiful corner of Canada and there are numerous opportunities for those who know how to capitalize on them. Quite a few companies both big and small are doing amazing things here that are being exported globally. Not enough people know about it.
Welcome to the first edition of The IMPACT, an online publication curated by TechImpact to share stories of people, innovation, entrepreneurship, and technology that are changing the way we live and work in Atlantic Canada and beyond.
When I started in my new role at TechImpact, I spoke with our members to learn more about their business goals and the challenges holding them back from achieving the success they desire for their employees and their businesses. There was a consistent theme – finding talented people to join their organizations in roles available right now. Workforce development is a driving and consistent challenge not only in our industry but in many industries across Atlantic Canada.
We know developing solutions to this talent gap will take ingenuity, risk taking, and collaboration. A multi-pronged approach is required to bring more people to Atlantic Canada from other parts of our country and the world. We need to get more people studying STEM, particularly girls, and we need to tell stories for others to see the possibilities and explore these areas and this region.
As part of our commitment to working on our workforce development challenges, The IMPACT will be telling more stories about the work our members are doing with innovative partners and customers. The more we share about the brilliant minds, investments, and innovation occurring, the more eyes will be opened to the possibilities our region offers.
Through The IMPACT, we’re sharing stories on recent investment announcements, information about upcoming events, highlighting a new program called FutureReadyNB and more.
As a team, TechImpact is focused on workforce development, fostering innovation and growing our economy. Let’s make no mistake about it: ideas, investments, and immigrants are welcomed here!
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